Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Price increase, Move, and Ebay news!

Hi everyone!  It's been a while since I posted here, but I really would like to utilize this blog more for news and updates about my commissions and dolls for sale, so expect more news soon and more frequently!  

... First bit of news is that I have increased my commission prices a little bit.  If you'd like to see the new prices please go check out the Price List on this site.  I've purposefully tried to keep my prices as low as possible for as long as possible because I want people to be able to afford my creations.  But I do feel it's necessary at this time for a little price increase since I know my skill level has definitely increased since I first made the old price list.  I'd also like to stay competitive in this market, and to pay bills too:)  The new prices go into effect today, but of course do not apply to anyone who already has a doll here or I have already given an itemized total to.  If this is a problem for anyone currently on the list please let me know and I will work with you to be able to afford your commission when your turn comes!  I will be CLOSING the Waiting List on Friday March 18th, so if you'd like your name added before I close it please contact me before then!  I'd like to focus my attention on the current list and some other side projects before I let it get too much longer, thank you for your understanding!!

... Secondly, me and my family are moving this week, on Friday!!  I may be unreachable for a couple days around that time, but I will reply to all emails or FMs once we have all our furniture moved into the new place and the internet is set up.  I'm excited to start tackling my commission list once we're settled in!!  We'll have a whole lot more room at the new place than we do now, and I'll finally have my own studio to work on my customs in!  I'm anticipating that this will help out a lot with getting stuff done quicker, so hopefully the commission waiting list will pick up and move faster once we're settled in!

... And last but not least, THANK YOU all who watched and bid on my custom who was recently listen on Ebay!!  It was the first custom I've listed there in years, and I was so happy it went well!! I'd like to continue to list special girls there in the future.  But I still want to give my friends and contacts in the Blythe community a chance to own my customs a little more hassle-free, so I will still be listing some girls (mostly ones with stock hair, but maybe an occasional rerooted girl) on BlytheKingdom forum as well.

Ebay feedback from her new mom:  
" Wonderful Seller~ Good communication~ highly recommended~ Thank you SO much!! =) "


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