(image in middle is a graphic courtesy of Gaia )
I'd like to help out with raising funds for relief in Japan, so decided to follow suit of some other amazing Blythe community members and hold a raffle!!
Japan has always been close to my heart, and I've always been very inspired by it's people and culture. To see so much destruction and suffering anywhere is truly heartbreaking, but we can do something to help! The littlest things
can sometimes mean so much!!
I'd like to offer
TWO free faceups to help out with the relief fund! That means two different winners will receive a full faceup with all the works on a doll of their choice. If you win all you have to do is supply the doll and pay for it's shipping fee home. The faceup will include any of the following services you may want:
..Faceup (sandmatted, all new makeup applied and sealed)
..Lips carved
..Nostrils carved
..New eyelashes, or no lashes if you prefer that look
..4 new eyechips (BW or Coolcat)
..Gaze Correct
..Sleep eyes with ribbon string
You can leave as little or as much of the details as far as coloring and look up to me, I love to collaborate with people who know exactly what they want, and can also create an adorable girl from scratch!
I currently have a pretty long waiting list, but these raffle customs will be fit in as soon as their moms or dads are ready to send them!
ALL of the proceeds of this raffle will be going to
My goal: Raise $500** edit, read below, we have raised $500, let's keep going for Japan!!
Cost per ticket: $10
Amount of tickets: 50 **now 100
Ends: Sunday March 31st at 8:00pm Eastern time
..Winners will be selected randomly at that time with Random.org
..There is no limit on the amount of tickets you may buy, the more tickets purchased the better chance you have to win!!
..If by chance we reach $500 and I still have people emailing me for tickets I will not turn them down, I will extend the list past the original 50 people, but it *will* end Sunday at the designated time for sure even if we don't reach 50 tickets sold!
**EDIT: We have raised my original goal of $500!! Thanks
SO much everyone!! As stated before, I'm not going to stop taking donations or turn anyone away until the drawing on Sunday, so I'm extending the list another 50 spots. I know this lowers chances of winning, but since there are two grand prizes hopefully that will be ok with everyone, also I'm working on coming up with some extra little gift packages for runners up!! (please let me know if you'd like to donate anything for runners up prizes!)
5 runners up prizes include:

- A gorgeous hand made sterling silver shell pendent made and donated by elle.silver. The recipient can pick which shape, (cone or scallop) and which color (pastel green, pink, purple or blue) and whether they want a silver chain or suede cord. The winner of this prize will be 3rd on the Random.org list (since there are 2 grand prizes of faceups)
- A set of 5 (picture of 6 is just for reference) Blythe name tags donated from Keelienicole. The winner of this prize can contact Keelie and let her know the names they'd like on each tag. This prize will be going to the 4th name on the Random.org list on Sunday!
- An amazingly adorable needle felted giraffe headband made by Sugraduckfairy/Rachel. The winner of this prize will be the 5th name on the Random.org list on Sunday!
- A super adorable JuneBug Flutterby Beanie! These are crocheted beanies with fabric flowers and swarovski crystals sewn on! (The hat won will be different than the one in this pic, I just used this as an example) This prize will go to the 6th name on the Random.org list!
- Donated by Ilana (aka glastra) is a really cute and clever stretchy magnetic headband, as well as a packet of 3 extra magnetic pieces to mix and match and decorate the headband with! This prize will be going to the 7th name on the Random.org list!
Thanks SO much to Elle, Keelie, Rachel, June, and Ilana for donating those great prizes!!
..Please Paypal your ticket purchases to:
..Please send payments as gifts to optimize the amount we can raise for Japan!
..Please only send one lump payment for multiple tickets purchased, unless of course you decide at a later time to purchase more.
..In the "Notes" section of payment please include your name and Flickr screen name!
..Please do NOT say "raffle" in the payment, I believe it is technically against Paypal rules. You may put Japan in the notes section though and I will know.
..You will receive an email from me confirming that I got your ticket payment!
If you have any questions for me please email me at: MorganOrton@yahoo.com instead of through Flickr! I'll be moving on Friday, I can check emails easily through my phone, but wont have access to Flickr for most of that day. Due to me moving, I may be slow getting this site updated and confirmation emails sent out on Friday, but I will update it and send emails out on Friday night!
THANK YOU for all your help and support!!
1. Kerry..Dimples1967
2. Kerry..Dimples1967
3. Sandie..Samilou1
4. Sandie..Samilou1
5. Sandie..Samilou1
6. Lynn..natsukigirl
7. Rebecca..bramlet6
8. An..poppy~OhChiWaWa
9. Sarah..mmmpecanpie
10. Aimee..froggymonkey
11. Aimee..froggymonkey
12. Aimee..froggymonkey
13. Aimee..froggymonkey
14. Aimee..froggymonkey
15. Aimee..froggymonkey
16. Aimee..froggymonkey
17. Aimee..froggymonkey
18. Aimee..froggymonkey
19. Aimee..froggymonkey
20. Vicky..scrummyland
21. Sarah..mmmpecanpie
22. Vicky..scrummyland
23. Vicky..scrummyland
24. Juliet..mydollies4
25. Juliet..mydollies4
26. Samantha..china-lilly
27. MaryAnn..rubyzu
28. MaryAnn..rubyzu
29. Kristal..bussobae
30. Kristal..bussobabe
31. Kristal..bussobabe
32. Maite..tunga
33. Julie..Julie.B
34. Julie..Juli.B
35. Penny..blythegalaxy
36. Denise..Neecey67
37. Denise..Neecey67
38. Wendy..simplyminty
39. Leslie..Missleslielew
40. Leslie..Missleslielew
41. Leslie..Missleslielew
42. Leslie..Missleslielew
43. Leslie..Missleslielew
44. Leslie..Missleslielew
45. Leslie..Missleslielew
56. Leslie..Missleslielew
47. Leslie..Missleslielew
48. Leslie..Missleslielew
49. Cagla..chacha
50. Cagla..chacha
51. Fae..pommepomme
52. Lindsay..ellewoods2007
53. Lindsay..ellewoods2007
54. Rebecca..bramlet6
55. Rebecca..bramlet6
56. Katie..katie.cupcake
57. Katie..katie.cupcake
58. Katie..katie.cupcake
59. Lisa..dolli*fever
60. Karen..Karena74
61. Karen..Karena74
62. April..LittleSheepEep
63. April..LittleSheepEep
64. Abby..LittleSheepEep
65. Julie..ValentineWestphal
66. Ilana..glastra
67. Sarah..sarah.boirin
68. Camilla..camillaeatfiftyeggs
69. Michelle..fashionmimi
70. Michelle..fashionmimi
71. Ilana..glastra
72. Ilana..glastra
73. Ilana..glastra
74. Ilana..glastra
75. Lynn..natsukigirl
76. Rachel..fairyflip
77. Kara..imafundork
78. Kara..imafundork
79. Simone..rosessimone
80. Sarah..mmmpecanpie
81. Elin..lin1610
82. Kerry..Dimples1967
83. Kerry..Dimples1967
84. MaryAnn..rubyzu
85. MaryAnn..rubyzu